Connecting India grid by gird
Power Transmission
The aim of goodness is not restricted to ensuring unlimited availability of power but to generate happiness and create sustainable living for people while maintaining a greener environment for generations to come. Adani Energy Solutions Limited is one of the largest private sector power transmission companies in India with a presence across the western and northern regions. It has been working towards helping people realize their dreams no matter what time of the day it is.
We primarily aim at addressing the vast potential in India’s transmission sector, and our ambitious target is to set up 30,000 circuit km of transmission lines by 2030. We have invested in the latest technologies, resulting in the highest network availability of over 99.7% in the country, which corresponds to the best global standards, and have a presence across 14 states with a transmission network of over 20,000 ckm.
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At a glance

19,778 cKm Power Transmission Length

99.7%Network availability

1stPrivate HVDC Utility