On arrival, all passengers are requested to move to immigration. Visit for details and visit: for information on e-visas.

Once you have cleared the Immigration, you have to declare your baggage with the Customs.
There are two channels of customs clearance for arriving passengers:
The Green Channel - Passengers travelling without dutiable goods can walk through the green channel.
The Red Channel - Passengers, entering India with dutiable goods or any other items for which declaration is required, must contact the Customs officials.
For more details,
Baggage Reclaim


Respective flight and relating baggage belt details are efficiently displayed on the display boards adjacent to each carousel belt.
All Arrival signs will direct you to the baggage reclaim area where you can check the information screens.
Medical and Health Guidelines
Ensuring safety and security of our passengers is our motto. The Airport Health Organization (APHO) helps us in this endeavor. For any air travel related medical or health query, you can get in touch with the APHO Mangaluru.

The Narcotics Control Bureau is the nodal drug law enforcement and intelligence agency of India responsible for fighting drug trafficking and the abuse of illegal substances. For more information click here.

This body regulates the export of livestock products from Animal Quarantine facilities. It is essential to obtain the appropriate permits prior to transport of pets or livestock. For more Information click here.